“Education is not the filling of a bucket, but the lighting of a fire” W B Yeats. For, it is a quote, but it is an engraved conscious response of all the kid comrades of St Xavier’s.With the motto of “life light wisdom” St Xavier’s has accomplished successfully its mission of “Any time, Any place, Any way, Any Pace Programme towards an independent and successful future” over the past ten years. In this graceful occasion of Decennial Jubilee celebrations, the release of the School Magazine is an added golden feather in the crown of St Xavier’s Central School, Mangalamdam. “Our education system must position our children to compete globally, to prepare and train the next generation of citizens who can adapt to the needs of the emerging trends of the world and compete with any nation. Students must think and act innovatively, demonstrate high performance, and meet the highest expectations”.

St Xavier’s Central School has begun this ascent by implementing one of the most rigorous sets of content and assessment standards. We have adopted strategies to improve schooling and embraced the innovative means to educate students. But, to compete on a world wide scale, we must evolve from one that served us well in the past to that embraces the challenges and opportunities of the new century. “Ambrosia”, the school magazine will unfold all its endeavours in this regard in nutshell in front of you.

In this message may I outline a plan for St Xavier’s future that rewards outcomes and performance. We can no longer to create a system where either schools or students are rewarded for just showing up. Our cohesive strategy starts with an executive order that combines development of cognitive skills, emotional well being, and social competence. And robust physical and mental health is the foundation for school success. These abilities are the critical prerequisites for economic productivity and responsible citizenship throughout the life. May I wish and pray that let our children be able to catch these abilities up during their days in St. Xavier’s.

Dramatic influence of globalization and technology on today’s society demand more prepared, skilled and sophisticated work force from the citizens. Equipping tomorrow’s citizens with the tools to master these critical skills is our obligation today. The reforms being proposed today realign our educational values. They will reward performance rather than attendance, and outcomes rather than the process. By taking hold of exciting options ranging from partnership to innovative pedagogy, education across St Xavier’s will be infused with the unfettered ability and enthusiasm to teach and learn.

It is worth mentioning that Graders revealed that our kids cite three things they need to succeed in education and in life. They tell us: “I need to be known, I want to be excited about the future, and I could use your help”. Our schools and communities need to show kids that they matter, that we see them as individual human beings, and that we commit ourselves to knowing and developing what is right about each and every students. Parents, educators, and community leaders need to help students become excited about their heritage and culture. Kids need to hear that their parents and communities will actively help them learn, grow and move choice. This will make our children enthusiastic and creative. This magazine is indeed an epitome of our children’s creativity and enthusiasm.

Cognitive skills, emotional well being and social competence are abilities that are critical prerequisites for economic productivity and responsible citizenship throughout life. Our education system must position our children to compete globally as also to train and prepare the next generation. Equipping tomorrow’s citizens with the tools to master these critical skills is our obligation today.
St.Xavier’s Central School has begun this ascent by implementing one of the most rigorous sets of content and assessment standards. Strategies are adopted to improve schooling and innovative means are embraced to educate students. By taking hold of exciting options ranging from partnership to innovative pedagogy, education across St. Xavier’s will be infused with the unfettered ability and enthusiasm to teach and learn.